BitzyBones animation is an animation and advertisement production studio created by Mykie Cervantes and cofounded by Kyle Gorski . We create art and branding for small companies, provide funding for school's art programs, and support artists to share their ideas and help to bring art education back to our communities. We also love making original stories come to life!

What's an advertising studio without some proof? Here's some of the art we've made for companies in the area! Including ours!

Contact us to see how we can help your company, we'd love to see how we can bring your business to life! Just write down what your business is, the size and what times you're available and we'd be happy to help!If you don't know what we offer, click on our service tab!

We love helping companies of any size, even if you're just starting up!Not to mention, after the initial services, we only get paid if you grow! After we're done serving you, the only time we make money is when you see growth in your company (Or unless we become a partner with your company).

So, what's the process of working with us for marketing?

Contact us! Let us know what your business is about and what times you're available. Once we get your request, it'll be held as a ticket and we'll get to you as soon as you go through our queue.Then comes the consultation! We try to identify what we think could be going on in your marketing through interview questions and your answers.

Glad you asked!!!

The next step after the consultation is going on location! A representative will look at your business and identify specific problems towards what we can offer. We will offer pricing based on your business' income and move forward with the services that you can afford. Then put together a marketing plan with your business and begin the process to our first marketing report!

Wow! What does that mean?

This report will detail problems and solutions that have to do with your business. After that, you can decide to implement those solutions on your own, or to become an official partner of BitzyBones Animation! This would include us having a stake in your company and staffing members of a board who are specifically able to implement changes FOR you with complete transparency and cooperation!

Where can I sign up?

Right here on our contact page! We also offer graphic design, branding, social media management and more! Click right here!